Classes are organised flexibly within each key stage. Students are grouped together based on similar needs. There are up to eight pupils in each class supported by the class teacher and at least two teaching assistants.

The school has specialist teaching areas including a science laboratory, food technology room, art room, gardens, greenhouse and a large library. ICT is used widely across the school.

We have our own mini-buses, which mean that we can use  many of the resources in the community.

All students have access to educational visits or school journeys. Parents / carers are not asked to contribute to these events.

All classrooms are adapted, where necessary, to meet the needs of students with Autism.  Sensory sensitivities are addressed by lowered ceilings, carpeted floors, adjustable blinds, and the use of calming colours in the decoration of rooms. Classrooms are organised to give students a visual timetable for each day. Individual student workstations are provided where appropriate.

We have undertaken a much needed million pound refurbishment programme to the exterior of our building so that the outside reflects the care and adaptations of the interior.

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