Pupils who have tested positive for COVID 19 need to self-isolate for 3 days (5 days if over 18), Day 0 being the first day symptoms were first noted or positive test received if the pupil was asymptomatic.  

There is no longer the requirement for close contacts to isolate.  

Below is your home learning plan, to begin on your first day of self-isolation. 

A school day at Spa Bermondsey is 9:15 – 3:15 with a half hour for lunch, 30 minutes Clubs and 30 minutes playtime and snack.  Timings of the day are found at the end of the document.  You may find it useful to stick to these timings when structuring your child’s learning at home 

Your child’s targets will be sent home for you to work on.  English and Maths work will be posted or e mailed to you along with resources and high-quality websites and  for you to access to complete the home-school learning schedule below 

Day 1 

Day 2 

Day 3 

Day 4 

Day 5 

Maths (45 minutes) 

English (1 hour) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

PE (1 hour) 

Design and technology (1 hour) 


Maths (45 minutes) 

English (1 hour) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Social Communication KS4/5 (1 hour) 



Maths (45 minutes) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Cooking (1 hour) 

Computing (1 hour) 

PE (1 hour) 


Maths (45 minutes) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Drama (1 hour) 

Science (1 hour) 

Art (1 hour) 

Maths (45 minutes) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

PSHE (1 hour) 

Music (1 hour) 

Humanities KS3 (1 hour) 


Day 6 

Day 7 

Day 8 

Day 9 

Day 10 

Maths (45 minutes) 

English (1 hour) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Design and technology (1 hour) 

PE (1 hour) 



Maths (45 minutes) 

English (1 hour) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Social Communication KS4/5 (1 hour) 



Maths (45 minutes) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Computing (1 hour) 

Cooking (1 hour) 

PE (1 hour) 



Maths (45 minutes) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Science (1 hour) 

Art (1 hour) 

Drama (1 hour) 


Maths (45 minutes) 

Reading (30 minutes) 

Music (1 hour) 

PSHE (1 hour) 

Humanities KS3 (1 hour) 




Additional online resources: 



Timings of the school day: 

9.00 Registration- the pupils arrive and the school day begins 

9:15 Lesson 1 

10:00 Lesson 2 

10:45 Break (KS3) OR Drinks (KS4) OR Shared Attention (KS5) 

11:00 Break (KS4) OR Drinks (KS3) OR Shared Attention (KS5)  

11:15 Break (KS5) OR Shared Attention (KS3+4)  

11:30 Lesson 3  

12:15 Lunch (KS3) OR SoCo (KS4+5)  

12:45 Lunch (KS4) OR Clubs (KS3) OR Reading (KS5)  

1:15 Lunch (KS5) Clubs (KS4) OR Reading (KS3)  

1:45 Clubs (KS5) OR Reading (KS4) OR SoCo (KS3) 

2:15 Lesson 5 

3:00 End of day review in class groups 

Remote Education Information

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