Fitness and Health

Students’ fitness and health is addressed in many ways at Spa.  From daily trampolining lessons to free fresh fruit at break time, helping our students to live healthy and active lives is school priority.

Students have two PE lessons a week where a variety of sports and sporting skills are taught in our full size sports hall.  Students in Key Stage 4 and 5 have additional access to our well-equipped fitness suite and are encouraged to set and reach personal fitness goals.  All students in Key Stage 5 take this one step further in pursuit of their Healthy Living qualification where they set up fitness circuits for themselves and others, play team and individual sports and participate in sporting activities such as sailing or rock climbing. 

Pupils have one active SoCo session a week in which they focus on group and movement games. 

Students have bespoke sessions in a number of extra curricula activities including karate, street dance and yoga.

Our playground is equipped with an outdoor gym and climbing equipment and students are encouraged to be physically active throughout the day.  Our scooters are a popular play item at break time and students are also encouraged to play badminton and ball games together.

We recognise the importance of diet and students have weekly cooking sessions where they start by learning basic cooking and healthy and safety skills and progress to learning how to cook healthy, balanced meals for themselves and others.

Lunches are freshly prepared onsite and students’ dietary requirements are always taken into consideration.  Students who prefer may bring in food from home and have access to a microwave so that they may enjoy a hot meal at lunch as well.

To support students and their families’ access local NHS provisions, we have a mobile dentist who visits the school regularly  We also have visits from specially trained nurses who are able to provide inoculations and other injections for our students who may struggle to visit their GP’s surgeries.

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