Curriculum and Learning




The school day begins at 9am. Students are welcomed to the classrooms and follow a morning routine that includes going through the schedule for the day ahead. This is an opportunity for the students to settle, prepare themselves for their busy day and become ready to learn.  The first lesson the day begins at 9:15.  Pupils have a short play time and snack session mid morning and a 30 minute lunch break and Clubs time.  Lessons finish at 3pm followed by an End of Day Review session to prepare pupils for the transition to going home.  Dismissal is between 3:05 and 3:15. 

The total hours the school day equates to is 6.15 hours a day and 31.15 hours a week. 

Once a week there is an assembly which is an opportunity for each class once a term to share and celebrate the excellent work done.  We have two assemblies - one for KS3 and one for KS4 and 5.  We are pleased we have been able to move back to live assemblies again. 

We consider each student’s individual interests and provide opportunities to nurture these. Students receive a highly individualised program which may include Dance and Movement Therapy, sensory programmes, yoga, street dance and karate, to name but a few.

Key Stage 3 is for children aged between 11 and 14. The children are taught in small class groups of no more than nine children, and are supported by a teacher and up to four learning support assistants.

Students then make the transition to Key Stage 4 (14-16 years old). During this key stage there is a greater emphasis on following a range of accredited courses including ASDAN, Entry Level Maths and Science.

In Key Stage 5 (16-19 years old) students continue to follow a range of accredited courses and also undertake work experience in the School House Café, where they learn employability skills. During this time we will also work with students, parents and carers in working out a plan for life after Spa.  Pupils complete a range of accreditation including ASDAN, Functional Skills and WJEC units. 


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