Targeted PSHE groups

Our Assistant Headteachers run weekly PSHE groups that focus on the teaching of PSHE skills to bespoke groups.  Our groups change with pupil need and groupings might develop over the course of the year.

Key Stage 3

Year 7 club is run throughout the year to focus on teaching on Zones of Regulation and to develop play skills among our new students.  The group aims to foster a sense of community with our newer pupils and teach them the language of ZoR that is in use across the school

Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5

Friendship groups are run to support pupils develop their friendship and repair skills.  The content is often pupil led and will focus on current needs such as the nuances of "group chats", how to repair friendships and how to navigate changing friendships.  

Young Men and Young Women Group

Assistant Headteachers run these groups to focus on key PSHE skills throughout the year.  Young Women focus on assertiveness and confidence, recognising the importance of personal space and allows a space for pupil led issues to be discussed and addressed.  Young Men focus on respect, listening to their peers and repairing friendships.  

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