Students enjoy learning in a calm, safe and happy environment. Our staff are always kind and are skilled in finding out what makes each student happy.

The school environment and daily structure help to promote positive behaviour and independence. Rooms are designed to meet students’ sensory needs and promote social skills. The school day has structured routines so students are clear about what happens and when.

All our staff receive regular training in positive behaviour support. They monitor and analyse student behaviour and work together to develop Behaviour Support Plans for students who need them. Advice and support is provided by senior leaders in the school. We work closely with parents and carers. 

We understand that behaviour is always a form of communication and we work together to understand what the pupil is trying to communicate and how best to meet their needs.  Once we have understood the function of a behaviour we will teach the pupil a more functional way to have their need met or will remove or reduce the trigger to support them.  This might include modifying the environment, increasing structure, reviewing the communication system in place or reviewing a reward system. 

Students are encouraged to be as independent as they can. They have opportunities to take on roles and responsibilities within the school community. The Social Communication Curriculum teaches specific skills which help all students to manage their own behaviour in a range of everyday situations both in and out of school. We use the Zones of Regulation to help pupils understand their emotions and find the best ways to respond.


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