
Spa Camberwell is a special school for pupils aged 5-16 with an Education Health and Care Plan and a diagnosis of autism.

We promote independence, communication and achievement through a bespoke curriculum designed for children and young people with autism.

We have

  • 2 Key Stage 1 classes for years 1 and 2
  • 4 KS2 classes for pupils in years 3, 4, 5 & 6
  • 4 KS3 classes for pupils in years 7, 8 & 9

Our key stage 4 classes will open in September 2023.

For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by a local authority, in the child’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Parents wishing their children to come to Spa Camberwell need to ask their local authority to name our school in their child’s EHCP. Please call the office to arrange a time to visit and join one of our open mornings.

A local authority can also refer a child to the school to be assessed for an EHCP plan or following a change in the child’s circumstances for his or her needs to be assessed or reassessed. Any assessment should be completed within the 20 weeks set out in the SEND Code of Practice.

SEND code 

Click here to view Updated: 28/02/2020 2.38 MB

Visiting the school

To arrange a visit to see the school or for more information please call us on 0203 434 5210 or email





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