Welcome to Spa Camberwell

We hope this information helps you. Please get in touch with any questions if there is anything you need.

You can call and speak with

Steph Lea - Executive Headteacher 

Erin McCarthy - Interim Head of School and safeguarding Lead

Beth Brough – Assistant Headteacher - Primary

Rian Ehlers - Assistant Headteacher - KS3

Jenny Tsagkaropoulou - Assistant Headteacher - Primary & Secondary

Nusrat Raja – HR Manager

Alan Burrows - Finance Manager

Call us on 020 3434 5210 or email officecamberwell@spa-education.org

The school day

Registration is at 9.00 for KS3 and 9.15 for primary classes.

Any pupils arriving after 9:15am should report to the office so they can be entered into the register.

The school day ends at 3.00 for primary classes and 3.15 for Key Stage 3.

Keeping in touch

Each day class teams will write comments about your child’s day in the home/school diary. We will always phone you if we need to contact you.

Do let us know any information we need each day to help your child have a successful and happy day. You can ring us or write in the home/school diary.

Reporting absence

Please let us know by phone no later than 8.50am, if your child will not be in school and send us a note with the reason for the absence on his/her return. (We are required by the DfE to keep these for attendance monitoring). We follow up first day absences if we do not hear from you, so as to ensure student safety.

Pupil contact & medical information

It is essential that the pupil information forms and the medical information forms are completed before the start of the term, so that we have a safe and healthy start to the school for your child. We must have emergency contact information before your child starts the school.


We will provide your child with a Spa sweatshirt or fleece, and PE T-shirt. More uniform can be ordered for purchase from the school office if required.

The school has a simple dress code;

Primary Classes

· Navy shirt/blouse/polo shirt

· Green sweatshirt

· Navy/grey/black trousers/joggers

Secondary Classes

· Green polo shirt

· Navy/grey/black trousers/joggers

· Navy fleece

PE kit

· White t-shirt or Spa PE shirt

· Navy blue/black shorts or joggers

· Trainers

School Travel Assistance

If you require a Travel Assistance please complete the application form on Southwark Council’s website. Let us know if you need any help.

For children travelling on the Local Authority arranged bus, the bus company will contact parents/carers before the start of the term to tell you your pick up and drop off times.

Bus transport staff are not allowed to leave the bus to escort children to their home, or across roads. This is because they are unable to leave other children unattended on the bus.

If your child is currently receiving travel assistance from Southwark Council, the council will aim to review eligibility annually. If your child remains eligible following a review, the council will, wherever possible, look for a travel solution that promotes independence for your child.

If your child is not going to be in school on a given day, please let transport know so that the bus round can be adjusted.

Should you wish to contact Southwark’s Travel Assistance Team, their number is 020 7525 3931. Alternatively, you can email them on travelassistance@southwark.gov.uk

School lunch

Meals for all primary pupils are free of charge. You still need to fill in the free school meals form if your child is in primary.

School lunch for KS3 pupils is £2.00 per day, which is £10.00 per week. Lunch money should be paid in advance to the school office.

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