Spa School Camberwell - Local Governing Body

Krys McInnis

Krys McInnis

Trust Link Governor

Krys McInnis MBA is an educator with extensive experience in both the public and private sector. Having been a member before the creation of the Trust, Krys has brought with him his previous HR and Legal expertise to the governing board. As an ex-Chair of Governors, as well as various other board positions, Krys brings with him a wealth of experience in governance, compliance and policy which he extends further as the inaugural Chair of Governor for Spa Camberwell.

Erin McCarthy

Erin McCarthy

Interim Head of School

Lauren Cairns

Lauren Cairns


Lauren has taught special needs education since moving to London in 2016. She worked as the music lead at Spa School Bermondsey from 2017 to 2020 and currently enjoys teaching at Spa School Camberwell, leading music across the trust. Prior to living in the UK, Lauren taught music in Sydney, Australia working at Haberfield Public School and The Arts Unit. Lauren has a Bachelor of Music Studies with Qualified Teacher Status. Lauren is passionate about ensuring outstanding provisions for our pupils and is excited to be part of the governing body.

Redouane Lekhaili

Redouane Lekhaili

Parent Governor

Redouane has a daughter in KS3 at Spa Camberwell. He is looking forward to working with everyone at the school as it grows and develops.

Iman Ali

Parent Governor

Danielle Betancourt

Community Governor

Local Governors Camberwell - Terms of Office, Business & Pecuniary Interests

Camberwell Local Governors Attendance

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