Timings of the school day 

The school day is different for primary and secondary pupils. Arrival and departures are staggered to maintain safety and to allow pupil transport to move around the site safely. 

The school day begins at 9.00 am for secondary students and 9.30 for primary pupils. Parents and carers bringing their children to school are welcomed at the main gate by a member of the SMT before taking their child to the designated collection point for their class. Children are collected by members of the class team, taken directly to their classrooms and are supported with their morning routines.  

Pupils arriving on transport are collected by their class team. Primary pupils enter the building through the ground floor hall before beginning the morning routine. Secondary pupils enter the building to access the main stairway upstairs. 

The school day ends at 3pm from primary pupils and 3.15 for secondary pupils. Parents and carers collecting their child wait at the collection point in the playground. Class teams will hand each pupil over to the adult collecting them. A member of the SMT also supervises at the main gate.  

Pupils travelling on transport are supported by their class teams until their bus or taxi is ready to depart from the car parking area. Primary pupils wait in the ground floor hall until they are ready to board. Secondary pupils wait at designated bus stops in the KS3 playground.  

The total hours for the primary school day is five hours and thirty minutes. This is twenty seven and a half hours each week.  

The total hours for the secondary school day is 6 hours and 15 minutes each day. This is 31 hours and 15 minutes each week.  

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