PE & Sport Curriculum Statement 

PE is taught in a safe and supportive environment and contributes to a student’s physical and emotional development and health. Our PE curriculum builds self-confidence and independence.   

We offer a balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive activities that cater for each students’ needs and abilities. We set targets for students that increase over time and use varied and flexible teaching styles. PE is stimulating, challenging and enjoyable for all. We help students understand the many benefits of exercise. We record the learning and progress of every student to make sure everyone makes good progress from their different starting points. 

We teach: 

  • Football 

  • Cricket 

  • Table cricket 

  • Athletics 

  • Basketball 

  • Badminton 

  • Hockey 

  • Health and Fitness 

  • Table tennis 

  • Lacrosse 

  • Volleyball 

  • Games 

  • Soft Tennis 

  • Multi-skills 

  • Gym and Fitness 


We have a full time Sports Coach who supports all PE lessons at Spa Bermondsey.  

We also have external coaches who come on site once a week to offer karate, yoga street dance as well as dance and movement therapy.  All our students have the opportunity to celebrate special occasions like Sport Relief and sports day through sports activities and games. 

In KS3 students are introduced to the structures and routines of PE at Spa. They develop independence through transitioning from the classroom to the sports hall, getting changed and taking care of their belongings in the changing room.  Students are taught the basic skills they need to enjoy and make progress in the subject.  These include 

  • playing as part of a group 

  • using equipment safely 

  • following instructions and rules 

  • playing in a safe and controlled manner 

  • developing their technical skills. 

KS4 and KS5 students use our Fitness Suite to access weight and cardiovascular machines to develop core strength and fitness and to gain a better understanding of the benefits of fitness and strength training. Their progress in these sessions is carefully monitored and programmes adapted in response to their personal needs. 

Some KS4 students receive swimming lessons from professional swimming coaches at Peckham Pulse Leisure Centre.   

KS5 students can choose the ASDAN Sport and Health short course as part of our Options programme.  We are currently working alongside Millwall Football Club to offer weekly Fitness sessions to a group of KS4 and 5 pupils.  Some pupils visit the Oval Cricket ground to take part in their annual Disability Sports Day.     

We teach students to cope with both success and defeat as well as develop their physical skills. Staff develop students’ understanding of right and wrong by modelling positive behaviour and supporting students to reflect upon the need for rules and fair play.  We teach students daily living skills that will one day help them to become balanced, healthy and happy members of the community. 

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