The daily reading lesson

Every student has a daily reading lesson at Spa. Students work towards a personalised reading targets which are reviewed each week. Teachers plan and deliver a range of reading activities matched to the student’s individual needs. Teaching activities will be practical and engaging allowing students to approach the target in a range of ways and gives opportunities for rehearsal of key reading skills.

Whole class reading

Students in all classes regularly hear teaching staff reading aloud from a range of texts. Group reading can take place across a range of subjects in the curriculum as well as form part of the daily reading lesson.

The Reading curriculum

The English curriculum in Key Stages 3 and 4 focuses on high quality literature. Staff have completed Power of Reading training through the CLPE and use the reading sequences with each class. The reading curriculum becomes increasingly more functional in its focus as pupils progress through KS4 and 5. Greater emphasis is placed on developing reading skills which link to life skills. All students complete accredited courses in reading by the time the end of Key Stage 5.

Reading resources

Each class has a range of books including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, books suitable for whole class shared reading as well as books on the interactive whiteboard. We have a beautiful central library where classes change their books, carry out research and visit for their reading lessons. Students are encouraged to take books home each day to enjoy.

Developing reading for meaning

Reading is taught throughout the Spa curriculum with a strong emphasis on developing reading skills for life. These skills are developed through practical lessons such as cooking, design and technology and humanities. Text is prepared according to the ability of each students and will be offered in communication in print words and symbols.

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