Humanities Curriculum Statement 

Humanities at Spa Bermondsey is interesting, creative and stimulating. Students learn both about and from religions, historical periods of time and geographical aspects of the world. Lessons help students develop and communicate their own identity and understanding of the world and to discover more about the world. This helps them develop independence and prepare for their future in the wider world. British Values and SMSC development are the underpinning foundations for Humanities lessons; British Values are implemented in the planning and delivery of lessons, focusing on democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and individuals in power. Skills taught will support students to live and function in a diverse society and have respect and tolerance of people with different faiths and beliefs 

Humanities is split into History, Geography and Religious Education. Each area is taught throughout the year and supports students’ Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development and British Values. 

In History, students learn about different time periods and significant individuals. They learn to understand the impact of history on their lives today, in ways that are meaningful to them. Each year we celebrate Black History Month through a variety of themes, such as culture, significant individuals and lesser-known individuals. Students enjoy Art and Music activities and celebrate the importance of Black history and cultures within our school and community. 

In Geography, students learn about the local community and also develop an understanding of England, the United Kingdom, Europe and the rest of the world. They learn about the weather, tourism, maps and consider similarities and differences in our world. 

In Religious Education. we explore significant celebrations for religions and different beliefs. Lessons develop students’ understanding of their own beliefs, and the beliefs of others.  They develop understanding of themselves as individuals.  Through the use of engaging, creative and sensory activities, students learn about similarities and differences across a range of different cultures and beliefs.  Students learn about the different faith groups represented in Southwark and the world beyond. 

In Key Stage 3, students have one Humanities lesson a week with RE, History and Geography being taught for one term.  In Key Stage 4, students access History, Geography and RE through frequent ASDAN weeks and elements are also embedded in English and Drama.  Pupils in KS5 are able to choose Humanities as an Option in rotation with Horticulture and Enterprise.  

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