English at Spa Bermondsey 

English at Spa School Bermondsey is taught to support students develop their skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening. Teachers thoughtfully plan their lessons and deliver bespoke resources for the needs and progression of each child.  All pupils are set an individual target in Reading, Writing and Communication, which is assessed each week.  The English Lead works closely with the Drama and Social Communication leads to ensure pupils Communication skills are developed to a high standard.   


Reading for meaning is constantly promoted to support developing independence skills. Where needed, symbols are used in delivering lessons, instructions and displays to support all pupils and enhance understanding. Students are specifically taught the functional language they will need outside and beyond school and to help prepare them for independent living. This could, for example, take the form of recognising signs in the environment or following instructions. 

All pupils have access to high quality reading materials in their classrooms and in the school library. Each classroom has a reading area and pupils are encouraged to borrow books to read at home. We promote the enjoyment of reading and every term students’ will study high quality texts which have been adapted from the Power of Reading programme offered through CLPE. Students study a wide range of texts including poetry, short stories, novels and Shakespeare. 

Students have opportunities to read independently, with staff, in pairs, groups or as a whole class. There are opportunities for role play, improvisation and imaginary play. Pupils regularly hear adults read aloud in order to encourage comprehension and enjoyment of written language. 

Students have regular access to Bug Club – an exciting reading programme that enables them to access texts on the computer in the classroom and at home. These books can be chosen by the class teacher to work either on their particular focus e.g., plays or non-fictions texts or to work at the level appropriate to the student. 


Students are given opportunities every day to practise and hone their writing skills. We work closely with the school’s Occupational Therapist to ensure that students are given the appropriate personalised support they need to progress with their gross and fine motor skills as well as ensuring those that require it have access to adaptive technologies such as Clicker 8.  

Students are encouraged to write for a wide range of purposes and audiences and to develop vocabulary relevant for any focused topic. Students are given a range of engaging topics that are both relevant and motivating for their lives and experiences. Further to this, students engage with high quality texts as a springboard to encourage their own high-quality writing. 

Writing is an important life skill and the students are encouraged to be able to write at the best of their ability to support them for the rest of their lives. They are taught how to fill out forms, to express their feelings and to show their understanding of the world around them. 

Pupils at Spa have daily Social Communication lessons where pupils are taught the skills required to develop their functional and social communication skills.  More information can be found in the Social Communication curriculum statement.  

Key Stage 3 English 

We focus on the skills and techniques required to learn English skills. We introduce the students to a range of activities and texts more suited to a secondary school environment to move away from the primary curriculum. Students will practice reading signs and symbols within the school, think about the emotional experiences of fictional characters and apply this to their own experiences. They will investigate into non-fiction texts finding information independently.  

Key Stage 4 English  

In Key Stage 4, we begin to think about what it means to be an adult and develop the life skills we need as young adults. As the students are now familiar with the routines and expectations of Spa, they apply their skills to new and more challenging activities and experiences such as persuading others of their points of view or researching independently. The students are encouraged to write and talk about themselves in an autobiographical way, begin considering their aspirations for a life beyond school, consider their impact on their environment and give instructions both verbally and in written format.  

Key Stage 5 English 

The curriculum in Key Stage 5 supports students to consider career choices and personal responsibilities. They develop their independent communication skills for life beyond school by writing letters and postcards, practice the life skills of completing application forms and complete a range of accredited courses.  

In Key Stage 5, all students will gain accreditation for their English work. These take a range of forms: 

  • EdExcel Functional Skills exams 

  • WJEC accredited courses such as Exploring Narrative, Communicating Experiences, Exploring Shakespeare 

  • ASDAN Personal Progress units 

Whole school activities such as World Book Day are celebrated to encourage pupils’ enjoyment of reading whatever their stage of learning.  

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