Design and Technology Curriculum Statement 

Design and technology is taught across all three Key Stages at Spa Bermondsey and aims to support pupils develop their creative, planning and evaluation skills.  Pupils explore textiles, electronics, structures and mechanical systems as well as a range of arts and crafts as they develop their skills.  

Students study design and develop their ideas and skills in response. They look at examples, explore them and begin to think about making a similar type of product. 

Students experience using and testing prototypes. They are encouraged to look at what they are making and either find ways, or follow suggestions, for a different or improved way of making a similar design.  They then create a final prototype by applying knowledge and skills learned and applied during the topic. 

Students develop their evaluation skills by examining their own finished products, suggesting changes and reflecting on how they worked and changes they would make in the future. 

In Key Stage 3, pupils begin by learning about the design process and explore a range of materials and basic skills such as sewing, paper-based skills and simple circuits, as well as learning how to work safely. In Key Stage 4 these skills are developed as pupils learn how to follow a design brief and evaluate their creations against it.  In Key Stage 5 pupils focus on making things for others, including completing Enterprise units as part of ASDAN Personal Progress or Short Courses as well as developing specific skills through the Options program. 

Students develop a sense of enjoyment and discovery in learning about themselves and others in the world around them and are able to develop their imagination and develop their artistic and creative abilities. The range of topics and materials used reflect the large cultural range of resources available to us therefore allowing the Design and Technology curriculum to help students understand and appreciate the range of different cultures in school in their local area and in the world. 

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