The ASDAN frameworks are used to develop independence, prepare young people for life beyond school and encourage students to make their own choices.  
Students learn through practical and fun activities which promote their independence and love for learning.  

In Key Stage 4, students work towards qualifications in Preparing for Adulthood- Transition Challenge.  Students complete activities in five modules linked to the Spa curriculum. Modules are worked on during ASDAN week once a term. Activities are practical and engaging and are adapted to suit the student’s interests and levels.  This qualification prepares students for Key Stage 5 by developing their independence and abilities to work towards an end goal as well as enabling students to gain a nationally recognised qualification.  

In Key Stage 5, students work towards qualifications in Employability Entry Level 2, Personal Progress modules in PSHE, Maths and English and a range of Short Courses as part of Options lessons.                                                                                                                                                                 

Students have the chance to experience working in the School House Café on a weekly basis, gaining valuable experience of working with the public, dealing with money, having responsibilities, preparing food and health and safety in the workplace. These skills support our learners to build on their employability skills and enquire transferable skills that will help them live more independently as adults. 

Some pupils in KS5 chose three Options and complete short courses in Spanish, Art, Enterprise, Horticulture, Sports or Science.  
Alongside this, some students also work towards Entry Level 2 in Personal Progress. This is taught in weekly lessons in PSHE, Maths and English. These lessons cover community, independence, money, form writing, self- care and wellbeing. Students complete a range of practical activities to develop independence and give direct experience.  Typically 2 units each year, for each subject, will be accredited via ASDAN.  

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