Aim & Purpose

Art at Spa Bermondsey allows pupils to develop their creative skills whilst gaining understanding of the wider world through a series of exciting themed projects. Art lessons at Spa give pupils an opportunity to express themselves, develop their imagination, acquire new skills, make independent choices and create beautiful art works which they are proud to display. 

Pupils learn and achieve at every level and it is wonderful to see pride and happiness as pupils create and share their work. Art at Spa is a fantastic opportunity to encourage pupils’ communication and language skills by exploring the work of other artists and cultures and regular group critique of their own creative outcomes. 

Art is taught weekly to pupils across all key stages. We use a thematic approach every half term - pupils explore a given topic through a range of exciting art medium.  Lessons are tailored to pupils’ individual needs and abilities with great care being taken to ensure lessons are engaging, build on existing skills and introduce new techniques.  Pupils are supported to develop their abilities to make independent decisions and take measured risks within their art work in a safe and nurturing environment.   

In Key Stage 3, pupils cover the formal elements: line, tone, shape, colour, texture, pattern and form. Pupils are introduced to new materials and techniques such as ceramics and silk painting which they may not have had the opportunity to engage with in their primary settings. The beginning of each topic for Key Stage 3 pupils includes specific teaching about how to be safe and respectful in the art room, promoting independence and social skills. 

In Key Stage 4, pupils move on to explore different art movements and study creative techniques in more depth. In a recent topic pupils explored ideas of identify and the future when creating paintings in response to the theme “A Better World.” Pupils' art works from this project have been entered into a national competition, the Unique Arts Award which celebrates the creative talents of young people with disabilities. In Key Stage 4, pupils begin to go on trips visiting galleries and art workshops where they further develop their creative skills and interests.   

In Key Stage 5, pupils combine these two areas to make more self-directed creative outcomes which prepare them for the future. All art pathways are accredited in Key Stage 5. Some pupils choose Options courses in creative disciplines to achieve Entry level accreditations. These can include photography, ceramics, textiles and fine art with pupils having the opportunity to plan and carry out their own projects with support from staff to create a high-quality final outcome. 

Some pupils go down a more vocational route and complete an ASDAN enterprise course. In these lessons pupils learn to plan, design and create artworks that can be exhibited and sold both in the school and the local community. During these lessons pupils explore professional responsibilities within the art world and take on roles such as product design, marketing, production and sales.  All Key Stage 5 pupils make independent choices about the type of art work they would like to create and have the opportunity to develop specific areas of interest in their art lessons. 


From 2018 – 2021 Spa Bermondsey worked towards achieving Artsmark status for the first time. Artsmark is a national creative quality standard for schools, which is accredited by Arts Council England. Following an exceptional whole school effort, in late 2021 Spa Bermondsey achieved the Gold Artsmark award. We were very proud of our feedback below and look forward to working towards achieving the Platinum award in the future. 

“Spa School has made a series of strong commitments to arts-based learning which have significantly improved the quality of teaching in the school (evidenced by student satisfaction levels, particularly in Arts sessions - now up at 90+%). As a specialist setting, catering for learners with significant learning needs, you have been quick to spot the link between the Arts and pupil well-being. Not only have you seen initial gains in this area, but you have flagged it as a key theme for future work. 

Perhaps most significantly you have ensured that the arts provide opportunities for your learners to access skills and qualifications - giving them the required access to curriculum time to study to a level where awards and recognition can be formally offered. And you have listened to their viewpoints and ideas when it comes to the kinds of arts activities they would most enjoy.”  

Wellcome Collection Partnership 

In Summer 2021 Spa Bermondsey applied to be part of a 3-year partnership program with the Wellcome Collection, a museum and research space which explores art, science and anthropology in central London. From over 30 schools who applied Spa Bermondsey were one of the 3 schools selected for the partnership. Through pupil and staff consultation it was decided that the aims of the partnership would be: 

  • For pupils to be supported to access the community 

  • Work experience and vocational learning for pupils in KS4 and KS5 

  • Opportunities to work with artists and/or professionals with lived experience of autism and/or disabilities 

  • Opportunities for pupils to take part in creative activities and present creative outcomes in the local and wider arts community 

  • The partnership to explore themes of anti-racism and anti-ableism 

In the first year of the partnership Spa Bermondsey pupils have met with professionals from the Wellcome Collection and taken part in consolations with anti-racism and anti-ableism experts and advocacy groups. Pupils and staff at Spa Bermondsey have delivered training about autism to the Wellcome Collection and consulted with staff about how to make their space and resources more accessible. Pupils have also regularly been discussing and planning the next stages of the partnership via Student Council and learning about the partnership in assembly.  

Pupils in KS4 recently visited the Wellcome Collection. The focus of the trip was a study day led by facilitators from the Wellcome Collection Youth Program Team to explore the theme of body image, using artifacts and resources from the Being Human and Medicine Man collections. 

Pupils encountered scientific imagery and artifacts from different countries and eras, and were invited to engage with fun and informative activities and discussion about the collection, which included exploring topics associated with body image from a teenage perspective. Pupils all really enjoyed the trip, engaging in insightful conversation about the topics explored and making their own creative outcomes in response to the collections.  

Impact and outcomes 

  • Pupils have increased opportunities to express themselves, and communicate with others through their art work 

  • Pupils feel a sense of pride and achievement by sharing their creative outcomes with others in lessons, via display and with the wider community 

  • Pupils learn new skills and develop independence to produce creative outcomes 

  • Pupils have increased opportunities for community engagement and social inclusion via trips, workshops and entering competitions 

  • Pupils learn about professional roles within the art world and develop vocational skills 

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