Spa Camberwell Careers Statement

Spa School Camberwell aims to inspire pupils to consider their future career aims and ambitions through a careers education, information, advice and guidance programme.

The programme is delivered through:

teacher-led activities

Key Stage activities including assemblies

online research using relevant programmes.  

This offer is further enhanced by working in partnership with external employers through the Careers & Enterprise Company Careers Hub Network.

Provider Access Policy Statement

Careers Programme

Our Careers Programme is personalised to ensure progression through activities appropriate to pupils’ ability, development and level of need.

We aim to

  • Improve pupil self-development by gaining an understanding of themselves and learning to reflect on who influences their decisions.
  • Explore career opportunities by investigating career paths that encourage informed decision making.
  • Make and adjust career plans to support changes and transitions.

Careers lessons are provided for all pupils and are taught across the curriculum. Stereotypes are challenged. 

We focus on meaningfulness and application skills developed and how they will benefit the working world.  

In PSHE and Citizenship pupils are taught about writing CVs, compiling covering letters, completing application forms, preparing for interviews and the world of work. As in all teaching at Spa Camberwell this is matched to individual pupil need.

Curriculum content is enhanced with visits from representatives from a range of career pathways, ensuring our pupils are well-informed about all options available for post-16 transition. 

Pupils, and their families, are provided with information about a range of Further Education courses to support their career choices.

This is incorporated into our wider curriculum with the support and expertise we receive from our Enterprise Advisor from Reed in Partnership.  The Enterprise Advisor works with the school to:

  • provide support in the development and review of the school strategy for employer engagement and careers and enterprise education
  • provide the school with up-to-date local labour market information
  • give examples of evidenced best practice and opportunities to share good practice.
  • support the school in the completion of regular Compass assessments of performance against the Gatsby Benchmarks
  • support the school in implementing and evaluating our careers provision using Compass/Compass+ termly. 

As part of our careers programme, the school is committed to:

  • have a nominated Careers Lead from the Senior Leadership Team
  • develop a school strategy to embed careers education across Key Stages 3 and 4.
  • work with The Careers and Enterprise Company to track our performance against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
  • attend and participate in network meetings

Careers Lead

The Careers Lead in School is Rian Ehlers – Deputy Head.

You can get in touch with Rian by calling us on 020 3434 5210 or email us at

Information for Parents and Pupils

During your time with Spa Camberwell, you will be supported to explore a range of career options available through PSHE, the Careers Programme, assemblies and community-based learning opportunities, which will help prepare you for the world of work.  

You will be offered opportunities to engage in work-based learning and have visits from local working people, all of which will better inform you of the opportunities available and ensure you are given the highest level of support in readiness for leaving Year 11. 

An overview of our careers programme will be shared with all parents at our induction meetings and re-visited at parents’ evenings.  Pupils will learn about employment in various sectors, and they will participate in careers programmes of learning appropriate to each pupil’s stage of planning and level of need.  Further information on careers education can be gained by speaking to the Assistant Head for Key Stage 3

Useful Information

Seeking work (

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