Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education at Spa School gives students the opportunity to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.     

The curriculum focusses on preparing students for adulthood and independence, with the aim to help students understand how they are developing personally and socially. It tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Students are given opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Students are also encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. 

PSHE is broadly split into three interrelated programmes of study:  

  • Health and Wellbeing  

  • Relationships  

  • Living in the Wider World    

British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development underpin the entire PSHE curriculum. 

Pupil progress in PSHE is assessed weekly via our bespoke PSHE curriculum and teachers record pupil outcomes by creating learning records on our online learning platform.  

There is clear emphasis and direct teaching in PSHE. Every pupil will have weekly personalised targets often directly related to their EHCP. Pupils will be offered a variety of activities best suited to the way they learn.  

Learning to Learn 

PSHE targets are personalised and integrated within each pupil’s Personalised Learning Plan. Targets focus on independence, communication and social and emotional wellbeing. Pupils learn safe behaviours.  

Learning Together  

PSHE underpins all curriculum subjects, learning through play, and joint attention, but predominantly PSHE is taught through direct teaching in one session per week. Students learn about themselves, such as their own identify, and cover topics about people who help us and emotions and feelings. These topics support students to develop an understanding of themselves before progressing to learning about others around them.    

The Learning for the Future  

Students learn more about themselves as growing and changing individuals with their own experiences and ideas, but also as members of wider communities, where similarities and differences between themselves and others can be celebrated. They will build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in the primary years as the curriculum emphasises increased independence and preparation for the future. They develop further self-confidence and awareness, through learning to recognise and understand appropriate ways to express emotion, using the Zones of Regulation as an important tool.   

Curriculum content is defined through schemes of work for each subject. The schemes are written by subject leaders and differentiated by each teacher to match the needs of each pupil. Each scheme of work focuses on a theme that lasts for half a term. There is a three-year long-term plan for KS3 and a two-year plan for KS4.   

Learning for the Future 

Students develop a deeper understanding of PSHE in a range of contexts, focussing on the concepts of friendships, teamwork, safety in the home and basic road safety, spending money, responsibility towards the environment, stranger danger, RSE, online safety and personal care. These themes are then developed throughout the students' experience at Spa Camberwell and are returned to and reinforced as required. Skills taught will support students to live and function in their community which supports our aim for students develop a feeling of success and achievement when applying skills in their everyday lives.   

Students have lessons which focus on relationship and sex education (RSE). Families are informed in advance of these units being taught and invited to a parent session exploring themes and resources that will be used. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from these sessions and are given the opportunity to do so before the work begins. Topics in RSE are taught across all key stages and include work around public and private, body changes due to puberty, keeping safe, appropriate and inappropriate touch, consent and emotional changes due to puberty including developing sexual feelings.    


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