At Spa Camberwell, PE is taught in a safe and supportive environment.  It offers a vital and unique contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and health.  Our PE curriculum helps pupils develop self-confidence, skills for sport and life, independence and lifelong healthy habits.  

At Spa Camberwell we offer a balance of individual, team, cooperative and competitive activities that cater for each pupil’s needs and abilities.  Our schemes of work are based on progressive learning objectives, which, combined with varied and flexible teaching styles, provide appropriate, stimulating, challenging and enjoyable learning situations.   

We promote an understanding of the many benefits of exercise for all our pupils.  Enjoyment and participation are key themes.  

Our PE offer across the key stages consists of a range of sports, including basic skills development, multi-skills, football, cricket, athletics, basketball, rounders, bench ball, table tennis, health and fitness, gymnastics, dance, hockey, fitness and strength, lacrosse, handball, lacrosse, soft tennis, team games and ultimate frisbee.   

We record the learning and progress of every pupil to ensure all pupils make good progress from their different starting points.  We offer dance to a number of pupils through dance therapy sessions, a street dance club, and karate offered by Sensei Kevin.  Mental wellbeing is important at Spa Camberwell, so we offer Special Yoga to pupils for whom it is appropriate and beneficial.  All our pupils have the opportunity to celebrate special occasions like Sport Relief, National School Sports Week and Spa Camberwell Sports Day through sports activities and games.  

We teach pupils to cope with both success and defeat and develop their physical skills.  Staff develop pupils’ understanding of right and wrong by modelling positive behaviour and supporting pupils to reflect upon the need for rules and fair play.  Pupils are also led to discovering the role of sport within different cultures, society as a whole and their communities.   

We teach pupils skills they can use in their daily lives that will one day help them become balanced members of their community and happy individuals. 

Learning is structured through three key approaches: 

  • The Learning to Learn Curriculum 

  • The Learning Together Curriculum 

  • The Learning for the Future Curriculum 

Pupils will follow elements from one or both approaches depending on their strengths and needs, with a longer-term focus on the preparation for the future.  

The Learning to Learn Curriculum 

Pupils with the highest level of need require a very individualised timetable. These pupils follow a highly personalised programme to develop routine, basic communication, joint / shared attention, play and cooperative skills, self-help and independence, the ability to follow simple instructions, turn-taking skills and the ability to wait, sit or be safe. 

In PE we focus on foundation skills like following instructions and playing together – key skills which will enable them to enjoy playing sports and being active later in life.  Skills are taught through topics including Working with Others, Me & Myself, Exploring the Ball and Movement Development.   

The Learning Together Curriculum 

PE focused learning objectives are set for each pupil in every lesson related to the subject and pupils develop their knowledge and skills.  

Pupils following the Learning Together Curriculum develop fundamental sports skills, like throwing, catching, kicking and hitting.  However, the teaching of learning to learn skills are still a major focus in lessons and throughout the curriculum. 

The Learning for the Future Curriculum 

Pupils are introduced to the structures and routines of PE at secondary school level.  This includes developing their independence regarding transitioning from the classroom to the sports area, changing, and taking care of their belongings in the changing room.  Pupils are taught the skills they need to enjoy and progress in the subject.  These include playing as part of a group, using equipment safely, following instructions and rules with growing independence, playing in a safe and controlled manner and developing their technical skills.  Links are made with relevant aspects of the PSHE curriculum.   


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