Art at Spa Camberwell allows pupils to develop their creative skills whilst gaining understanding of the wider world through a series of exciting, themed projects. Art lessons give pupils an opportunity to express themselves, develop their imagination, acquire new skills, make independent choices and create beautiful art works which they are proud to display. 

Pupils learn and achieve at every level and it is wonderful to see pride and happiness as pupils create and share their work. Art is a fantastic opportunity to encourage pupils’ communication and language skills by exploring the work of other artists and cultures and regular group critique of their own creative outcomes. 

Art is taught weekly to pupils across all key stages. We use a thematic approach every half term - pupils explore a given topic through a range of art medium.  Lessons are tailored to pupils’ individual needs and abilities with great care being taken to ensure lessons are engaging, build on existing skills and introduce new techniques.  Pupils are supported to develop their abilities to make independent decisions and take measured risks within their artwork in a safe and nurturing environment. 

Learning is structured through three key approaches: 

  • The Learning to Learn Curriculum 

  • The Learning Together Curriculum 

  • The Learning for the Future Curriculum 

Pupils will follow elements from one or all approaches depending on their strengths and needs, with a longer-term focus on the preparation for the future.  

Learning to Learn 

Art lessons begin with a sensory focus and a Shared Attention activity which explores the theme of the half term using art materials. Pupils are introduced to the early stages of mark making, building and composition. Pupils are supported to explore the qualities of different art media and experiment with taught techniques to produce vibrant art works. 

Learning Together  

The Learning Together Curriculum offers a thematic approach in primary and a subject based approach for secondary pupils. Access to group learning is increased along with a focus on independence skills for life at school and the broader community. Subject based learning objectives are set for each pupil in every lesson related to the subject and pupils develop their knowledge and skills. Personalised support continues to develop relevant aspects of the Learning to Learn Curriculum. 

Pupils refine skills taught and are taught to make and communicate independent choices about their artwork. Pupils are also supported to collaborate with one another to produce group art works and are beginning to review their creative outcomes. Through exploration of taught art techniques pupils have opportunities to develop their creative vocabulary and plan for their own success in art lessons. 

The Learning for the Future Curriculum 

Pupils cover the formal elements in more detail: line, tone, shape, colour, texture, pattern and form. Pupils are introduced to new materials and techniques such as ceramics and silk painting which they may not have had the opportunity to engage with in their primary settings. Pupils have more of a focus on exploring the work of artists and learning about art movements to inspire their own creative outcomes. The beginning of each topic for Key Stage 3 pupils includes specific teaching about how to be safe and respectful in the art room, promoting independence and social skills. 


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